Saturday 24 March 2012

Almost there

The owls are finished! Now I have to go find the "bit that holds it up" as my attempts at finding a re-usable motor have been futile, I think I'll construct a simple frame of timber rods and ribbons.
also in the last week: I have added to the "family" with a few new plants, I put together thyme lavender and mint in a wooden bucket, that hopefully will help in keeping the flies out of the room. The tomatoes and wild rocked have sprouted, but still waiting on the peppers.
I have cleaned the house, that is a little miracle in itself, and doing a lot of homework :(
Exam dates have been set for what could be the last time in my life, as still considering if I wanna continue on after graduating, and flights have been booked for a short trip to Italy for Giaky's first communion

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Owlets away!

progress on the owls is going pretty well, although the same cannot be said for college work..haha..oh well! this is a picture of the work in progress. I've finished the green owl u see here (the circle with melly's owls is the back piece) and started on owlet n.4 in red/orange. I plan to make a few stars and a moon to go along with them. Still have to figure out what to make the actual structure of the mobile out of, was hoping to find a discarded mechanism with a carillon, no luck so far..

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Vikings & Owls

I am pretty busy this week with college work, doing research into dublin castle's history. kinda fun if i hadnt (as usual) left it till the last minute. the stuff i ordered arrived monday, and i have managed to make a sample owl with the less liked colours, i see a lot that can be improved but not bad for a first attemp, i'll try and post a picture when i get a sec. going back to the books!

Sunday 4 March 2012

recycled timber ceiling? sure!

Maple Leaves & Sycamore Trees: Our Refined Pallet (Ceiling)
this is just so awesome, had to re-post it. first saw it on Design*sponge and it was love at first sight. wish i was allowed to do something like that, but as long as we are renting it wont be possible. still a girl can dream.

Saturday 3 March 2012

in the new house :)

first weekend I'm spending in the new Killarney flat. we have fantastic views from here to the lakes and mountains, and lots of light when the sun bothers to show up. the picture is taken with my mobile, will have to bring up the camera at the next trip for nice shots. As we have two south facing (and hopefully sunny) balconies, I intend to have veg growing in nice big pots by the summer; today planted the first seeds, tomatoes and peppers, and they will sit cosy in the livingroom for the first few weeks