Sunday 2 September 2012

catching up

ok, it has been forever!
i finished all my exams and spent pretty much the whole summer working, can't wait for the well deserved upcoming break..Greece and Italy, hoping for a bit of september sun.
baby Emma was born on 15th June and the finished owls mobile is hanging proudly on her window

as always this time of year (the ikea catalogue publication) i get a burst of inspiration, and more precisely i start fantasizing about doing up my "taverna", that is my studio flat back home.
The main thing it needs is a kitchen (small thing ha?) and after years of drawing plans i think i cracked it. only doubt is island or table? atm there is a generous square table, that fits in whit the ye'old house style of the place, but as we also have a massive dining table (sits 12/14) so it would make sense to do an island/breakfast bar combo. but than again, one would not use the oversized dining table on a daily basis, or rather, it gets more use as a work desk and gets dressed up for parties.. i think i need to go back and stare at the room until i get my answer.
will take pics when i go back in a few weeks